The GeoTone Headset

Exploring the future of site-specific spatialised audio

We are currently developing the “GeoTone Headset”; a durable all-in-one geolocative audio device that is controlled by a person’s physical movement. It will make augmented reality/sensory experiences accessible to everyone. Currently, the only way to access the geolocative audio technology for the performance is from our partners’, which is delivered through a smartphone app. We designed the headset specifically to remove the access barriers to these experiences (whether technological, knowledge-based, or associated with physical impairments) by embedding software – provided by – directly in the headset. This bypasses the need for a smartphone and solves this barrier to digital inclusion – so that a listener can autonomously and immersively explore the hidden sonic world that lies before them, away from their emails, notifications, and the everyday. For many people, using an app through a personal device is stressful, or not feasible. The GeoTone Headset is simple, intuitive, and effortless to use.

You simply put it on, and go… 

Future high-quality and accessible audio experiences for everyone


Collab: GeoTone CIC x Warwick Castle x Nottingham Trent University MA Product Design x x ECHOES x Fable Feast

With the support of Arts Council England, we collaborated to create a prototype of the GeoTone Headset – a hands free device – programmed to deliver an audio experience from ambisonic audio makers Fable Feast.

With the GeoTone headset we’re creating the opportunity for people to have an immersive experience, and connect with places in a new way. Using new Geolocative (GPS) and iBeacon technology, the GeoTone device represents the next generation of audio guide.

Users don’t need to press any buttons or read complex instructions. They simply walk, and the audio comes alive around them. It’s simple, inuitive, and unlike anything that most people have experienced before.

You simply put it on, and go…